10/11/97 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 24/01/78
A Constant Server
BapDada is happy to see the sparkling star or the diamond on the forehead of each child. Each one’s sparkle is lovely and unique. The line of fortune of the sparkling stars is very clearly visible. BapDada is very proud to see how the children who were previously separated are now making effort in an incognito and visible way to create their fortune. On seeing the intoxication and intense effort of the children, BapDada sacrifices Himself, that is, BapDada becomes the garland around the children’s neck. Just as a garland is always put around someone’s neck, similarly, Baba is merged in the children’s lips, in their eyes and in their intellect. That is, they have made Baba the garland around their neck. Today, BapDada was singing songs of the children. What song did He sing today? That of the children’s praise. BapDada saw in every child the enthusiasm to reveal the Father. In fact, without the children, the Father cannot be revealed. So, how great are those who reveal the Father! You should always have this much intoxication and awareness of service. Just as Baba is imperishable, souls are imperishable and the attainments of the confluence age are imperishable, in the same way, is your awareness and intoxication just as imperishable? There should be no difference. When there is a difference, it means you have forgotten the mantra. When you remember your mantra, there will be no difference in your intoxication.
Today, BapDada has come to meet you. Baba has related a lot of knowledge, but today, He has specially come to see the form of what He told you. What did Baba see in the practical form? You did very good service and awoke many souls from their sleep of ignorance. Brahmins brought all souls of the land of Delhi into upheaval. (This refers to the first International Conference held in Delhi by the BKs.) They are now asking the question: Who are these people and what is their task? When a sleeping person is awakened, the drowsiness of sleep initially makes him ask questions such as who all the people are and what is it they are doing. In the same way, the souls who live in Delhi, and who have none of this knowledge, definitely have questions as to what all of this is about and who you are. They experienced a difference between hearing about you and seeing you. When they saw so many Brahmins, they definitely felt it to be a wonder that ordinary mothers and kumaris have prepared such a large incognito army. They had never thought or realised that this could happen. Everyone’s divine face and behaviour has definitely revealed BapDada’s image to all the people. At the moment, you have just created this upheaval. Just as when a field is being prepared, they first plough the field and then sow the seeds, in the same way, you have just ploughed in your future kingdom, in your original land, with upheaval. They feel that there is some Power, some Strength, and that you are not ordinary Shaktis; you have sown this seed through the upheaval. Even though they have not seen anything facetoface, there is the sound everywhere as to who you are and what you are doing. This sound has also reached the Government. You now have to make this seed bear fruit through words and the power of remembrance. Nevertheless, what you have done up to now has been very good.
BapDada is happy to see the children who have come from abroad and from Bharat and who have given their finger of cooperation, that is, those who have laid the foundation for their kingdom. This conference was the laying of the foundation stone of all the Brahmins to be able to claim their own kingdom. This is why none of the souls from the centres abroad or from any zone of Bharat were left out; the incognito service that you carried out will, in a short time, reveal the practical fruit. You have now laid your foundation stone in an incognito way, that is, you have just sown the seed. However, you will see the fruit of this seed according to the time. All the people of the world will invoke you. (Sound of everyone coughing.) Have you worked very hard? Nature has influenced you a great deal, but you will also receive the fruit of this. Souls from the foreign lands definitely have to conduct themselves according to the season. You need to experience this also. Everyone, young and old, was of great importance in this service. You worked very hard for this. The first foundation is that they have this question. Next time, they will find the answer to their question.
Today, BapDada is chatting to the children. Just as you have received the blessing of being constant yogis from the Father in the past, so in the future also, remain constant servers. Even whilst you sleep, let there be service taking place. Anyone who sees you when you are sleeping should experience vibrations of peace and bliss. This is why it is said: It was a very sweet sleep. There are various forms of sleep. Let service be merged in every thought and every act. This is known as being a constant server. There should be just the Father and service. Just as you love the Father so much that you find there is no life without the Father, so too, life is nothing without service. Those who are constant yogis and constant servers are destroyers of obstacles. When there is the double lock of Baba’s remembrance and service, Maya cannot come to you. Check that the double lock is constantly applied. If a single lock is applied, there is a margin for Maya to come. Therefore, constantly pay attention that you are engaged in remembrance of Baba and service. Always remember that you have to do the service of reminding others of Baba through your every sense organ. As a world benefactor, you have to work, through your every thought, as a lighthouse. At every second, you have to spread powerful vibrations through your attitude, that is, you have to transform the atmosphere. Through every act, give every soul the blessing of becoming a karma yogi. At every step, accumulate an income of multimillions for the self. Therefore, use your thoughts, time, attitude and activity for service: this is known as being a constant server or being serviceable. Achcha.
Just as you have this mela in Madhuban, similarly, at the end, there will be the mela of all souls. Do you prefer Madhuban or the foreign lands? What is known as Madhuban? Wherever there is a gathering of Brahmins, there is Madhuban. So make every foreign place Madhuban. When you make your place into Madhuban, Baba will also come there because Baba has promised that He will come in Madhuban. You will see many wonders in the future. Just as the number in Bharat is growing, so too, increase the numbers in the foreign lands in just a short time. Wherever you are living, let the sound spread in all directions. Everyone should have the question as to who you are and what you are doing. When you prepare such a gathering, then Baba will be ever present at such a gathering.
Do you experience happiness there or in coming here? No matter how much you say, the big is big and the small is small. After all, there is the special importance of this place being the birthplace and the place of performing karma through the corporeal body; this is the land of that divine activity. In bhakti also, although there may not be anything else, there is importance of the place. Although there may only be an old idol there, wheras in their home they have a very beautiful idol, they would still give importance to that place. Certainly, the place has its importance, but now make your garden grow. Create a place like Madhuban. When there is also a miniMadhuban, everyone will be attracted to see it. Achcha.
BapDada is thanking you for the service you have done recently and is reminding you of the service you have to carry out in the future. BapDada has great love and pure attachment for the children. A mother has loving attachment for her children. There isn’t desperation but Baba becomes merged in the children. Baba doesn’t become unhappy, but makes the children emerge in front of Him and then merges them in the Ocean of Love. It is because Baba has love for you that you also have love. It is because of His love that He becomes corporeal from avyakt.
To those who tie the Father in the bondage of love; to those who reveal Him through their love; to those who are instruments for world benefit through service; to those who are constantly great donors and bestowers of blessings; to such constant yogi and serviceable children, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
Meeting a group from Rajasthan.
In Madhuban, you easily experience earning an income at every step. Madhuban is called the land of blessings. A blessing is something that allows you to experience attainment easily. As soon as you come to Madhuban, all labour finishes and you experience easy attainment. How much did you earn in this short time? To come to Madhuban means to accumulate wealth in your mine. You accumulated a treasurestore because you know the importance of this place. Madhuban is BapDada's direct place of karma; it is the land of His divine activity, service and tapasya. Here, you have the atmosphere and vibrations of tapasya. By coming to this land, you are easily able to experience all these things. During the season for earning, you cannot stay without earning; you even renounce sleep. So too, in Madhuban, you have an extra lottery of earning an income. You are the tapaswi kumars. A tapaswi does not just do tapasya whilst sitting down, but tapasya means to have deep love; to experience that deep love whilst walking, moving around and eating. To be in the remembrance of One and to take your meals in the remembrance of One is tapasya. Whatever opportunity you receive, take that opportunity, make yourself complete and also make others complete.
Do you children of the Ocean of Knowledge constantly play with jewels of knowledge? The greatest, imperishable jewels are the jewels of knowledge. The children of the Ocean of Knowledge would play with jewels of knowledge. For half a kalpa, you had stone intellects and played with stones and were therefore experiencing sorrow and peacelessness. What do you play with now? Jewels of knowledge. A king’s child would play with golden and silver toys. Similarly, the children of the Ocean of Knowledge would constantly play with jewels of knowledge. You will not experience waves of sorrow or peacelessness when you are playing with jewels of knowledge. You are now leading a new life. When you feel that the life of sorrow and peacelessness is not your life, that it was someone else’s life, you will then laugh at your past life.
Are you all jewels of contentment? A jewel always sparkles in the centre of the forehead. There are beautiful jewels in a crown. Those who are jewels of contentment constantly stay on the Father’s forehead, that is, they stay in remembrance of Him. The Father also remembers them. When children remember the Father, the Father gives the return of that. Those who constantly stay in remembrance of the Father will remain content in every situation. Even if the situation is of discontentment, or of sorrow, those souls will constantly remain happy. Even in situations of sorrow, your stage of happiness should be constant and steady. On the basis of your power of knowledge, you will experience a situation as great as a mountain to be as tiny as a mustard seed, that is, it would seem like nothing, because it is nothing new. Do you have such a stage? No matter what happens, it is nothing new. This is known as being a mahavir.
Do you consider yourselves to be multimillion times fortunate? You are earning an income of multimillions at every step. Do you experience yourselves to be the masters of countless multimillions? Out of the multimillions in the whole world, there are only a handful who create such a fortune for themselves. The praise of a handful out of multimillions, and a few out of that handful, is the praise of all of you. This is because to know the Father who comes in an ordinary form and to know His task is the part of only a few. You now know Him, accept Him and have attained Him. Since the Master of the World belongs to you, the whole world is yours. When you have a seed in your hand, it is like holding the tree. You have found the One you were looking for. You found God whilst sitting at home, and so you should be experiencing such great happiness. When you maintain the happiness that God has made you belong to Him, your vision will never be drawn elsewhere. Your vision will not even be drawn to anything in front of you. Having found the Father, you have found everything. This is the greatest happiness. Let the mind continually dance in this happiness. What could possibly be a matter of greater happiness? This is why it is remembered: If you want to know about supersensuous joy, ask the gopes and gopis.
Blessing: May you be a selftransformer and world transformer who transforms the negative into the positive.In order to transform any negative thought or sanskar and make it positive, you need to practise applying a brake to your traffic of thoughts throughout the day, because the speed of ordinary and negative thoughts is very fast. At the time of a fast speed, practise transforming those thoughts by applying a powerful brake. You will only be able to become a selftransformer and a world transformer when, through your angelic form, you give other souls the blessing of peace and happiness.
Slogan: Those who have the knowledge of the drama are able to become victorious through the method of “nothing new”.
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